What Should My Baby Wear to Sleep?

What Should My Baby Wear to Sleep?

When shopping for baby clothes, it’s easy to get carried away with the many charming patterns, styles, and fabrics out there. And you’ll be forgiven if you forget about more practical considerations when you’re building your first baby wardrobe. However, to make sure you have everything you need for your baby to be cozy, warm, and protected during their first year and beyond, a small amount of knowledge goes a long way.

In this article, we cover the basics of choosing what your baby should wear at night, based on important considerations like age, temperature suitability, and safety.

The Swaddle (0-3 Months)

Most parents start by wrapping their baby firmly in a thin blanket or sheet, often known as a swaddle, or the baby swaddling position when they’re first born. This has been known to calm babies and offer them a warm, cozy, womb-like experience that helps them to relax and drop off to sleep easily. 

You can use the swaddle for around 3 months; however, when your baby starts to develop stronger neck and back muscles and you see your baby rolling over or pulling themselves free from their covers, you should start to transition your baby away from the swaddle. The danger if you don’t is that your little one could get trapped in a position that is uncomfortable and may restrict their ability to breathe. 

Baby Sleep Sacks (3-12 Months)

Baby sleep sacks are a great way to keep your baby warm and snug during colder months. It is essentially a sleeping bag designed for infants and has appropriate functionality that makes it easy to take on and off, with comfortable materials and adorable patterns. You can use a baby sleep slack in combination with a baby bodysuit for added warmth. 


Biloban Baby Bedding is a manufacturer of baby bedding products. Our aim is to offer super comfortable baby bedding products in affordable price.
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