Are Crib Bumpers Safe?

Are Crib Bumpers Safe?

What is a crib bumper?

crib bumper, or a crib liner, is designed to surround the interior sides of baby's crib to prevent her from slipping her limbs through the slats or banging her head accidentally. But while they're meant to protect baby, studies show they can actually have the opposite effect.

Are crib bumpers safe?

The answer is a big, resounding no. "The American Academy of Pediatrics currentldoesn't recommend crib bumpers because of the concern of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)," explains Blair Hammond, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. The concern is that an infant could suffocate if his nose and mouth get trapped under or against the pad. "Some crib bumpers are marketed as being safe, but for something to be promoted, there should be studies showing that they are safe, and currently there's not enough data there to prove that crib bumpers are safe."

Better choice

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In fact, Biloban solves along standing problem that mothers have with crib bumpers.Special square quilted design create gaps to allow air flow when contacting. Biloban ultra breathable crib bumper made with ultra soft microfiber fabric, and special quilted layer, are safer and comfort for you baby.

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